Se você pensa que a manipulação de imagens é uma exclusividade da era digital, vinda com o advento do Photoshop, precisa conhecer essa interessante exposição.
O Metropolitan Museum of Art de Nova York está com uma exposição intitulada Faking It, Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop, onde reúne mais de 200 fotografias que datam de 1850 até 1993 e que foram manipuladas das mais diversas formas, por meio de fotomontagem, manipulação de negativo, impressão em prata coloidal, Tintype, Daguerreótipo, colagem, litografia, rotogravura, etc.
Veja alguns exemplos, e ao final um vídeo:
A Car Load of Texas Corn – 1910
In Olden Times, in Folks Were Good, the Stork Would Bring a Baby Sweet and Fair – 1907
Untitled – 1976
Scene of Murder and Decapitation – 1860
A Pair of Hungry Pike – 1911
Automobile Accident, San Francisco – 1953
Woman Bursting Through Le Journal Newspaper – 1910
Man in Bottle – 1888
Woman in Champagne Glass – 1930
Jean Patchett for Vogue – 1950
Man on Rooftop with Eleven Men in Formation on His Shoulders – 1930
Decapitated Man with Head on a Platter – 1865
Page from Arbeiter-Illustrierte-Zeitung – 1935
Audrey Hepburn – 1967
Man Juggling His Own Head – 1880
Crazy Camera: Secrets of Photomontage – 1941
Heinz Riefenstahl, Dr. Ebersberg, Leni Riefenstahl, Adolf Hitler, (Josef Goebbels) and Ilse Riefenstahl (Wife of Heinz) Visiting Leni Riefenstahl’s New Villa in Dahlem, Berlin – 1937
Kliment Voroshilov, Vyacheslav Molotov, and Joseph Stalin (and Nikolay Yezhov) on the Moscow-Volga Canal, Moscow – 1937-1940
The Art of Retouching Photographic Negatives and Practical Directions How to Finish and Color Photographic Enlargements, etc. – 1930
Cover of Saturday Evening Post – 1941
Woman with Umbrella in Rain – 1870